Farmer On Fire

Grassroot empowerment of women & youth and to overcome the effects of climate change

Who We Are

Farmer on Fire is a dedicated organization based in Kenya, focused on providing access to information and capacity building for smallholder farmers. Our mission is to improve livelihoods, enhance nutrition, and help communities cope with the effects of climate change.


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Global Citizen Prize Winner

40 Under 40 Africa Continental Prize Winner

Top 100 Kenyans 2023

The Challenge


Erratic Weather



Soil Degradation

Our Solutions

Mushroom Farming

How It Works: We train communities and individuals in mushroom farming, promoting resilience against climate change.


 High-Level Income: Mushroom cultivation empowers communities by providing a high-income crop. It creates jobs for youths and women.

 Regenerative Agriculture: Mushrooms require less water, less land, and produce fewer emissions compared to traditional crops.

 Soil Health: Mushroom cultivation rebuilds soil biodiversity and breaks down nutrients, benefiting other crops.

 High Nutrition: Mushrooms are a sustainable protein alternative, contributing to a healthier planet.

Insect Farming

How It Works: We use BSFL technology for organic feeding, composting, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


 Lower Cost of Livestock Production

 Reduced Carbon Emissions from Landfills

 Organic Feeding of Animals

 Organic Fertilizer/Pest Management for Regenerative Agriculture

By producing Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL), we contribute to a healthier planet. BSF technology reduces greenhouse gas emissions, provides animal feed, and enriches nutrient-rich soil.

Our Initiative

The Malnourished Babies Initiative

Child malnutrition remains a critical issue in Kenya. According to the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) 2022, about 26% of children under five are stunted, 11% are underweight, and 4% suffer from wasting. Child malnutrition and HIV/AIDS are two critical health challenges that intersect significantly in africa.

Long-term effects of malnutrition on society include:

• Impaired cognitive development
• increased susceptibility to infections,
• lower educational attainment,
• reduced productivity,
• economic losses.

Addressing malnutrition is essential for the overall health, well-being, and economic progress of the nation.

Tackling Malnutrition: Our Solution

Mushrooms as a Solution to Child Malnutrition

Research indicates that mushrooms are a highly nutritious food source:
• Rich in proteins, Vitamins (B complex, D),
• Minerals (selenium, potassium),
• Fiber,
• Bioactive compounds
• Low in calories and fat
making them a suitable component of a balanced diet.


• Mushroom-fortified foods
• Our Uji-Love Mushroom Mix
• Sustainability and Accessibility

Mushroom-enriched porridge offers a practical, nutritious, and sustainable solution to child malnutrition, particularly in regions affected by HIV/AIDS. By leveraging local resources and community involvement, this approach not only addresses immediate nutritional needs but also promotes long-term health, economic, and social benefits. Implementing such programs on a wider scale could significantly contribute to eradicating malnutrition in Africa by 2030, aligning with global goals for sustainable development.

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